Wednesday 11 March 2009

Ouse Valley Books

Recently I attended a Provincial Booksellers' Fairs Association fair near my home. The first stand I came to was Bedfordshire-based Barrie Farnsworth's - and I bought a Bedfordshire book immediately.

Barrie's secondhand stock includes Bedfordshire history. He does not have a website yet but says that enquiries to are welcome.

1 comment:

Local History Man said...

A good local history "read" is Ken Shrimpton's book, Felmersham - The History of a Riverside Parish.

From ring ditches in Radwell to a witch bottle in Felmersham;
from a 13C Italian mathematician to a medieval chapel in Radwell;
medieval wall paintings, a ceremonial bucket and murder most foul; this book is a comprehensive account of the history of Felmersham parish.

Contains over a hundred illustrations with 28 in colour. Includes original research and fieldwork. Hardback cover – 212 pages – £12.95

Available from:
Sally Carr Books, Milton Ernest Garden Centre, Milton Ernest, Bedford.
County Town Books, 7 High Street, Bedford.
Sharnbrook Post Office, Sharnbrook, Bedford
and locally from the author.

Orders by post,
The book may be purchased by post at a cost of £14.95 including postage.
Please email: webmaster* for details. (Note: replace the * with @) Please type FELMERSHAM HISTORY BOOK (using upper case) in the subject line. More details from: